Our Data Bank
We regularly up-date our data bank into various segments ranging from Junior Management to Senior Management level depending on Qualification, Experience, Age, etc. This helps us to give immediate list of eligible candidates.
K D Groups is one of the leading service providers, operating in the region. We are renowned for our exceptional Placement Services. We, on behalf of our client companies do the preliminary activities for selecting the right candidates according to the required work profile. These activities include advertising in popular media, collecting bio-data from eligible candidates, short listing the best candidates and conducting multistage interviews. These activities can be time consuming and costly for any company as sizeable staff has to be dedicated for the recruitment process. We undertake all the activities, till the penultimate stage so that the company is ready to do the final selection of candidates. The salient features of our services include:-
We feel that candidate verification is the most important thing that many placement agencies miss out on, while short listing them for positions. We take special efforts and use our faithful sources of information to find out full information about a specific candidate. We ensure that the candidate does not have a criminal record, have authentic degrees and certificates, was having good conduct in his previous employment etc.
We regularly up-date our data bank into various segments ranging from Junior Management to Senior Management level depending on Qualification, Experience, Age, etc. This helps us to give immediate list of eligible candidates.
Trained professional offers the employer the opportunity to bring new ideas and energy into the workplace, develop talent and potentially build a pipeline for future full-time employees. It saves time and reduce effort for an employer.
We advertise in the local newspapers, Social Media Platforms, our website and different job portals when the requirement of a profile is specific, and not available in our data bank.
We ascertain that complete confidentiality is maintained regarding the details of our clients. security is our first priority.
After company shortlists the candidates, for further processing, we arrange interviews at a time, place and day suitable to the company.
In case the candidates placed by us, leave a company within 3 months, we take full responsibility of providing suitable replacements. In such cases, these replacements will not be charged to the company.